Daniela Zeilinger was born in Linz, Austria. She lives and works in Vienna. Currently she is artist in residence at Cité internationale des arts Paris.
Daniela Zeilingers artistic work opens up a dialogue between photography and painting. Appropriating Brecht's V-effect, her works subtly initiate thought processes on the ontology of pictorial space. They oscillate between picture and image, the iconic and the indexical. Moments of translation and transformation are of central importance: painting, drawing, collage, digital displays and re-photographed photos, pixels, grain, light and shadow are layered to form a composition in the work process. Analogue to dancers interpreting the score of a choreography, the various media and occurring translation errors become collaborators in the composition of photographic constructs.
EDUCATION (selection)
M.A. Fine Art, Art and Photography, class of Martin Guttmann
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria
Gueststudies BA Dance, Context, Choreography
Inter-University Centre for Dance UDK, Berlin, Germany
M.A. Art Education
Academy of Fine Arts and University of Applied Arts Vienna
Diploma thesis: "Photography in the context of intermedia art in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) during the 1980s. Historical, cultural policy and institutional terms"
Fine Art, class of Antje Majewski
Art Academy Berlin Weißensee, Berlin, Germany
Fine Art, Art and Photography, class of Eva Schlegel / Matthias Herrmann
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Philosophy, German language and literature, Theater Studies, Psychology
University of Vienna, Austria
Sizematters. Raum für Kunst und Film, Vienna
Kathrin Ganser & Daniela Zeilinger
Wo ist die Realität? Wo haben Sie die?
Elektrohalle Rhomberg, Salzburg
Solo Show
Blend Together
Mz*Baltazar’s Laboratory, Vienna
Janine Schranz & Daniela Zeilinger
Salzburger Kunstverein
Daniela Zeilinger
Kunstraum Milchstrasse, Munich
Exhibition with Volker Atrops
Ongoing Indexical Transformations
Library of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
Duo-Exhibition with Darina Kmetova
LLLLLL, Vienna
Artist Talk with Dr. Christina Natlacen
Sizematters. Raum für Kunst und Film, Vienna
Artist Talk with Michael Wonnerth-Magnusson and Janine Schranz
Mz* Baltazar's Laboratory, Vienna
You Can Do Better – Bad Painting
Elektrohalle Rhomberg, Salzburg
Marx Halle, Vienna
Elektrohalle Rhomberg
Presenting works by
Daniela Zeilinger, Tina Hainschwang and Navot Miller
Common Ground
Künstlerhaus Salzburg
Curator: Séamus Kealy & the team of the Salzburger Kunstverein
Künstlerhaus Salzburg
The exhibition presents the works of nine artists and explores artistic action as an interface to a world where nature is both constructed as an idea and threatened in reality. Today, we might see the contemplation of art being shaped by our social, political and ecological conditions. This is most evident in art practices characterized by a desire for change. As dissimilar as a petition— which can turn out to be a pleading pamphlet, a raging complaint, or a simple determination of the facts—the artists’ concerns may articulate themselves as protest, documentation, contemplation, or even a magical ritual.
Curator: Philippe Batka
Artists at Salzburger Kunstverein:
Johannes Gierlinger, Catherine Ludwig, Luiza Margan, Maria Morschitzky, Paul Spendier, Gabriele Sturm, Borjana Ventzislavova, Daniela Zeilinger
Open Studio Days
Vienna Art Week
Promising Paradise
Vienna Art Week, Traktorfabrik Vienna
Artist Talk with Eli K. Gold
CAVE, Russell Industrial Center, Detroit (MI), USA
Kunsträume 23
Basis.Kultur.Wien, Traktorfabrik, Vienna
Exhibition and Open Studio with works by: Akusmonautikum, Ena Alto, Stefan Brenner, Constantin Demner, NoRa Drumeva, Karim El Seroui, Studio Elastik, Tina Hochkogler, Daniel Hosenberg, Parastu Ghabaghi, Imogdi, Leni Enzinger, Loh, Nadine Lemke, Nico King, Simona Koch, Hannahlisa Kunyik, David Maier, Andreas Nader, Printaffaires, Markus Raffetseder, Isabella Simon, Miae Son, Anat Stainberg, Alexandra Tatar, Christian Tschinkel, Mara Villanova, Micha Wille, Daniela Zeilinger
Kunsträume 23
coGalleries, Berlin
Artists: Kathrin Ganser, Sarah Straßmann, Valentina Torrado and Daniela Zeilinger
Artist Talk with Susanne Holschbach
Exhibition top′ograph′icalcoGalleries, Berlin, Germany
Bilgeri-Scheutz Estate
Kenyongasse, Vienna
Group show curated by Peter Fritzenwallner and Gernot Petjak
Artists: Albert Allgaier, Ovidiu Anton, Martin Chramosta, Kathrina Dankl, Peter Fritzenwallner, Michael Gumhold, Helmut Heiss, Ines Hochgerner, Maureen Kägi, Daan Lievense, Thea Möller, Noële Ody, Gernot Petjak, Markus Proschek, Arthur Summereder, Marit Wolters, Christoph Voglbauer, Kristin Weissenberger, Daniela Zeilinger, Reinhold Zisser.
Bilgeri Scheutz Estate
Drive Thru_
Ungebetene Gäste. Festival der Regionen, Marchtrenk, Austria
Public art project by Daniela Zeilinger and Arthur Summereder.
Drive Thru_
going south
Gallery Marenzi, Leibnitz, Austria
Screenshot (Diploma show)
xhibit, Vienna
pilote : pilote
SEZ, Berlin
Launch and exhibition
Artists: Betty Böhm, Selket Chlupka, Cécile Dupaquier, Kathrin Ganser, Theresa Schubert, Sarah Straßmann, Attilio Tono, Valentina Torrado, Daniela Zeilinger
pilote : pilote is pilote´s first pop-up exhibition and its introduction into the Berlin art scene. Around eighty works will occupy a 1.000 m² space, located in a building complex of the SEZ in Berlin-Friedrichshain reviving it as an art space. The works shown depict a unique and impressive diversity of contemporary art forms, some of which include Fine Art Photography, Post Media Art, Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Film and Video installation.
At first glance, the strong appearing heterogenity of the shown positions opens not only interesting discourses about the arts, but also finds its harmony within the exhibition’s interpretational concept. The media spectrum of the art works shown and the artist’s incongruent approaches of contents visualize the current occupation with the contexts about reality and truth, nature and science.
Artist Talk with Laura Windhager
Exhibition Screenshots, LLLLLL, Vienna
vermessen / verhandeln / vermitteln
fwp kunstakt, Vienna
Group show with works of Lisa-Maria Ernst, Michael Fanta, Ina Fasching, Lukas Hochrieder, Terese Kasalicky, Oliver Riedel, Christian Rothwangl and Daniela Zeilinger
Curated by Veronika Dirnhofer and Philip Patkowitsch
Opening with Lucas Gehrmann (Kunsthalle Vienna)
Barthes, 100
EIKON Schaufenster, Vienna
Blick Das
Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Hand to Hand
Hilbertraum, Berlin, Germany
Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Zwischenspiel. Unter Strom
Vertikale Galerie in der VERBUND-Zentrale, Vienna
Award winners Ö1 talent scholarship
Gallery Hilger BrotKunstHalle, Vienna
Screening Hausmusik
Best Austrian Animation 2013, Diagonale Graz, Austria
Building Blocks from Life
Eyes On – European Month of Photography, Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria
In der Kubatur des Kabinetts
Kunstsalon im FLUC, Vienna
Parallel Campaign / Parallelaktion
ReMap 4, Athens, Greece
The department for Art and Photography of the Academy of Fine Art Vienna presents Parallel Campaign / Parallelaktion. The artists Martin Guttmann, Michael Höpfner, and Sonia Leimer and 35 students have initiated a collaborative work consisting of two parts: one is a bar and exhibition space located in a residential building in Giatrakou 10, and the other is guided walks within the city of Athens.
The title Parallel Campaign / Parallelaktion was taken from the book The Man Without Qualities by Austrian author Robert Musil. Set in Vienna in 1913, the text is used as an intellectual and poetic guideline for the project and will appear as text fragments on posters in public space. Musil writes about possibilities and potentialities of actions and non-actions of different social characters in a city shattered by early modernity.
Curators: Martin Guttmann, Michael Höpfner, Sonia Leimer
Verborgene Räume
Vereinigung Kunstschaffender Oberösterreichs, OK Kulturquartier Linz, Austria
Biotop Utopia
48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
Screening Hausmusik
One Day Animation Festival, Best Austrian Animation, Filmcasino Vienna
Artist Talk with Gerda Lampalzer, Wolfgang Seierl, Heinrich Deisl, Ritsche Koch and Uli Kühn
Meisen und Würmer // hertzlux mica – music austria, Vienna
Neue Fotografie. Sechs Positionen
Vereinigung Kunstschaffender Oberösterreichs, OK Kulturquartier Linz, Austria
lustwandeln non-stop
Kulturdrogerie, Vienna
Artist group ORT visiting the Drogerie-Passage
Cornelia Bördlein, Gunter Geyer und Daniela Zeilinger
New Directions in Photography
Eyes On – European Month of Photography, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
Franzi‘s choice
Muzej Premoderno Umetnosti, Litija, Slovenia
…z kola ven...
Kulturní Centrum, Rehlovice, Czech Republic
Alles hat seine Zeit
Schillerpalais, Berlin, Germany
Gallery ACUD, Berlin
First exhibition by the artist group ORT
Artists: Olja Koslova, Elma Riza, Damien Daufresne and Daniela Zeilinger
Guests: Toyomi Senda, Hakitoshi Honda and Benedikt Bindewald
ORT Berlin-Paris