real but not actual, ideal but not abstract

New Jörg, Vienna

Opening: March 22nd, 2019, 7pm

Exhibition: March 23rd – April 5th, 2019
Finissage: April 5th, 2019, 7 p.m.

„ […] let a sound, a scent already heard and breathed in the past be heard and breathed anew, simultaneously in the present and in the past, real without being actual, ideal without being abstract, then instantly the permanent and characteristic essence hidden in things is freed and our true being which has for long seemed dead but was not so in other ways awakes and revives.“ (Marcel Proust: A la Recherche du Temps Perdu)

Artist Talk with Maren Lübbke-Tidow (DE)
March 23rd 2019, 4pm

Text by Manisha Jothady (German version)

March 23rd, 29th and 30st 2019, 3 – 6 pm
and by appointment:

Foto Wien 2019

Maren Lübbke-Tidow

New Jörg
Jägerstraße 56, 1200 Vienna



Kindly supported by

Final Presentation: ArtStart / Vienna Art Week

Studiobuilding Academy of fine arts Vienna

Saturday, November 24th 2018
4 pm – 7 pm

The Vienna Academy of Fine Arts’ sponsorship scheme for its emerging artists
The first scholarship holders of the sponsorship scheme for emerging artists introduce themselves: Iris Blauensteiner, Michael Simku, Lukas Hochrieder, Andrej Polukord, Veronika Eberhart, Nora
Jacobs, Terese Kasalicky, Steffi Parlow, and Daniela Zeilinger.

ArtStart presentation ArtWeek
Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Vienna

Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna / Multi-Purpose Space
Lehargasse / 8, 1060  Vienna

Exhibition ArtStart_Studio / Vienna Art Week

Traktorfabrik, Vienna

Flyer: Micha Wille

Flyer: Micha Wille

Nov., 20. - 27. 2018
11 am - 9 pm

Friday, Nov. 23rd 2018:
5 pm Artist Tour with curator Angela Stief
7 pm Talk with Eva Blimlinger

Vienna Art Week Traktorfabrik

Louis-Hälfinger-Gasse 12, 2nd floor
Traktorfabrik - Objekt 33, 1210 Vienna